Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Work Family Balance

Have to admit I am struggling with the balance between my work and family. This is one of the busy times at work with earnings season, so I usually am up at 4:30am to check the news and get ready for work, then we feed the babies at 5am, and I head out between 5:30 and 6am.

We then have the normal mad scramble to prepare for our 7am sales meeting, add and edit comments for our morning email that is sent to clients.

The day then flys by with client, earnings, and follow-up calls. Next thing I know it is 5pm and I am missing the 5pm feeding at home. So that means the next time the kids will be up is 9pm, but since I get up at 4:30 that means 6-6.5hours of sleep and I start all over again. Luckily I have a great wife, have had Ann's parents and my Mom around, and we have two great nannies.

Normal stuff I hear from all Dad's, you'd like to be around more, have more free time... Just an opportunity to blow off a little steam to all my friends and family.

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David's Pregnant Ladies

David's Pregnant Ladies
Dawne is 35weeks and Ann is 31weeks

Stand Tall

Stand Tall
Charlie and Joe say look "no hands"


Up pops a happy baby


showing off his teeth


Loving the new wagon

Sleeping in the Daddy-Lounger

Sleeping in the Daddy-Lounger
Grace was soooo tired