Monday, November 3, 2008

Space City Triplets Picnic

On Saturday afternoon we went to a picnic south of Houston in Pearland. The kids are staring at some 9- year old triplets waving their hands around trying to get them to look at the camera. Kinda funny that our kids expression says, "What is wrong with those kids? They are acting crazy!"
I was truly impressed with the parents of 2-month old trips...we just didn't have the guts to take the kids out at that age.

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David's Pregnant Ladies

David's Pregnant Ladies
Dawne is 35weeks and Ann is 31weeks

Stand Tall

Stand Tall
Charlie and Joe say look "no hands"


Up pops a happy baby


showing off his teeth


Loving the new wagon

Sleeping in the Daddy-Lounger

Sleeping in the Daddy-Lounger
Grace was soooo tired