Monday, February 11, 2008

Monday thoughts

Triplets are intense...they can make you wonder why you ever wanted kids in the first place, actually they can make you wonder how anyone else with triplets survived???

Friday night was a blur...normal feeding at 2am, but then Grace wanted to get up at 5am and Joe was right behind her at 5:30am. We brought them into our room and snoozed while they lay in bed with us. That was at least 15min of nap time. Charlie got up around 7am.

Having the kids on slightly different morning schedules is becoming a little problem. Two of them want to eat right away, but we wait until 7:30-8am to feed them...thus their early morning crying leads to an early morning headaches for Mommy and Daddy. We tried to give them pieces of bananna...Grace vomited. It was no longer cute formula spit-up...this was mixed berry and bananna VOMIT. Blea...

On Saturday we went out to see the Rueff's. I think the kids are within 1-2months of being able to play together. We saw flashes of Charlie and Eli wanting to play together. That will be fun and probably is the best thing about living in Houston. I think we wore out the boys because Charlie slept through the night 8pm-7am and Joe slept from 8pm-5:30am...problem again is different schedules as Grace woke up at 1am and wanted to eat. It is tough being the smallest...

So Sunday started out worse than Saturday...the kids were on completely different morning schedules. That resulted in forcing them back together. I think our neighbors may have to call child protective services, because Ann and I were fried...

Dad and Darlene got in Sunday night and we are looking forward to their visit (Grandparent babysitters + nannies = 9hours of sleep tonight!!!)

BTW: Some of you may be wondering why there aren't any pictures today. I think the camera is in Katy...

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David's Pregnant Ladies

David's Pregnant Ladies
Dawne is 35weeks and Ann is 31weeks

Stand Tall

Stand Tall
Charlie and Joe say look "no hands"


Up pops a happy baby


showing off his teeth


Loving the new wagon

Sleeping in the Daddy-Lounger

Sleeping in the Daddy-Lounger
Grace was soooo tired